I realize this is a bit late, but I wanted to take time to stop and thank God for the wonderful mom he’s given me and all she has meant to me over the years. When thinking of all the things my mom has taught me in my short 22 years, there’s a lot I could say. She taught me to be independent, how to stand up for myself, the importance of great friendships, that ministry goes much farther than a platform or pulpit, and those of you that know her can see where my sarcastic personality comes from. But as I began to think about all she has meant to me over the years and all the things she has taught me, three things in particular stand out as the most important things she ever wanted me to learn.
Several years ago, my mom, my sister and I were riding in the car one day after youth camp, we began discussing all kinds of different things from how great the services had been to people that we missed seeing from our earlier teen years who are no longer serving the Lord, etc. During the conversation, Mom began to tell us as all parents do how proud she was of us and how much we meant to her. But what really sticks out in my mind was when she told us “All I ever want from my kids is three things.”, those have never left my mind and I want to share them today as the most important thing my Mom ever taught me.
Pray Hard
Put God first in everything you do. Give him everything you have, and serve him in any way possible. Understand that ministry goes far beyond what happens on a platform or behind a pulpit and serve him in any way you can whether it be on a bus route, in a Sunday school class, in a prayer closet, or wherever you feel Him leading, give your all and no matter where God takes you I’ll be there to support you and I’ll always be proud of you.
2. Work Hard
Give it all you have. Whether it be in an office, on the campground, helping a friend move, or just being willing to help someone out, always be willing to work. Never be afraid of hard work, it will always pay off in the end. Be someone that is willing to work when no one else will. Be the one people can count on when they need someone to help. I will always be proud of the hard work you put in.
3. Play Hard
Do what you enjoy. Have fun with friends. Be a person others enjoy being around. Whether it’s music, sports, games, or anything else, give it your best. Don’t be afraid to try new things, you never know what you might be good at. Always keep a smile on your face whether you’re winning or losing, and have fun no matter what the score. Win or lose, you can always be proud when you know you’ve done your best.
Thank you, Mom, for all you have taught me! These words have meant so much to me over the years, and still echo in my mind today. But I don’t just want to leave some words on a page and stop there. I want to live each day by these lessons. I want to give all I have everyday, and make the most of whatever time I’m given. I want to use any ability I have to better those around me. I’ll always remember these words, and I pray that when people see me they can say that indeed I have learned to Pray Hard, Work Hard and Play Hard.