Sometimes it is necessary to break a rule. I could stand and say, “Is not the Omnipotent beneficent.” Or I could say, “Ain’t God good!” The latter would get a greater response from the congregation even though both statements say the same ting. The use of improper grammar in this case is preferred.
While my own grasp of proper English may be lacking, as some may recognize in this article, it disturbs me to see so many who fail to realize there is a reason that our Bible schools require such subjects as English, Public Speaking, Homiletics, and Hermeneutics. To listen to some you would think they simply decided they only needed to pass the class but never need to practice these things.
When I was in grade school beginning to learn Algebra, I thought, “Why do I need this? It’s not like I plan on being a rocket scientist.” I remembered these thoughts one day as I was working on the database I use for youth camp registration and was applying the principles I had learned in that class.
We homeschooled our children throughout elementary and high school. I had two priorities in their education. The first was that they would have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. The second was that they be able to communicate the Gospel to those around them. Everything else was secondary. That is not to minimize certain areas of learning for as I already pointed out even algebra can be used in ministry.
Not everyone who is called will excel in communication skills. According to the Scripture we have all been given different gifts. Sometimes one may use their pocket knife to tighten a screw but when you have your toolbox sitting beside you open it up and get out a screwdriver. Too many are satisfied to just use the pocket knife. Often they are just too lazy to open the toolbox.
We have been commissioned to preach the Gospel to every creature. This means to communicate. We must put priority on communicating the Gospel and rightly dividing the Word of Truth. God has given each of us tools to work with, thought we do not all have the same tools in our box.
Open you toolbox and let’s get to work building the kingdom of God!