Often we shout victory when the truth is we simply have not faced a battle. God provided mana for Israel in the wilderness. When Moses sent spies into Canaan they came back with fruit of the land. This food would have been much better than simply eating the manna on which they were eating in the wilderness. To obtain this fruit would have required fighting the giants of the land. They were not willing to take on this fight because they did not fully trust God. It was easier to rejoice in the manna from heaven than to fight for a land flowing with milk and honey. Not only would they have to fight for the land but once the land was occupied they would have to work the land to have continued supply. The victory was not worth the battle for them.
As Christians we are often satisfied to rejoice in our salvation but unwilling to fight the battles for greater victories. We fail to realize that simply enjoying the bountiful harvest we have been given without working the field to plant new crops will eventually lead to starvation. It is much easier to rejoice in the small things God has done then it is to intercede for the great things He desires to do.
When you look at the lives of men and women who have accomplished great things for God you will find that their life was one of struggle. Scripture compares the life of a Christian to that of a soldier. The only reason they had great victory is because they had great struggle.
I’m reminded of an incident that my father related. When he was in his early ministry he was going through what he considered a difficult trial. He went to my grandfather and begin to pour out his heart to him. Daddy said that he guessed finally Grandpa had heard enough because he said, “Aw Leon, God is just getting you ready for something hard.” Looking back Daddy said that the trial he faced then was nothing compared to ones he faced later in life.
True victory is not when I feel good but it is when I take the battle to the enemies territory and overcome. Invading his kingdom is to bring men and women to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Without souls we really do not have the victory we claim.
He that winneth souls is wise!