Most people who knew my father knew him as Leon Belt. Few realized that this was his middle name and that his first name was actually Boyce, making me a junior. When our son was born we named him Boyce Leon Belt III. To avoid confusion we decided to call him Lee. When we were all together and someone yelled in a scolding voice, “Boyce Leon!” we all three would jump. This is not to mention going to a place of business where they would look you up on the computer and having to say, “No, that’s my dad. No, that’s my son, there that’s it.”
Not long after Lee began working he came in and laid his I.D. Badge on the table. When I saw my name across it in big letters I told him, “Be careful how you use that.” The Bible says, Proverbs 22:1 (KJV) A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.
Not only is it important that we maintain our own good name but just as I carry my father’s name and my son carries my name, we carry the name of Christ. Every time we say we are a Christian we are using his name. The way we conduct ourselves can bring honor or dishonor to His name.
When we claim to live a life separated from the world and then conduct ourselves in ways that are not consistent with the teachings of Christ we bring Him dishonor. Far too often we have allowed our language to be suggestive, laugh at off color jokes and conduct ourselves inconsistent with what we claim to be. This is true even among those who profess to live a holiness life and proclaim modesty. It is important that we dress modest but it is equally important that our speech be modest. At a camp I was speaking to one of our well-known “holiness” preachers who is known for being extremely strict. As we were leaving the platform immediately after service he told me a dirty joke.
The world is watching. They notice when we are inconsistent. Several years ago a man that worked where I do came to church and prayed. He knew nothing about Scripture and so on a number of occasions we met for breakfast or coffee so that I could try to help disciple him. On one of these occasions he said one of the things that had attracted him to the Lord was that when I referred to my wife it was obvious that I loved her unlike so many who talk about “My old lady,” or “The old battle axe.” I had know idea that I had even mentioned her enough to be noticed.
Later something was said about an incident years early. He said that he remembered me back then. I was taken aback. I said that I had no idea who he was that far back. He said, “You would have had no reason to know me then, but I knew who you were.” My life was being watched by people that I did not even know.
2 Timothy 2:19 (KJV) Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.